We are the Voices of Wai`anae – a Community Resource Collaboration and Action group.
We launched this website: www.voicesofwaianae.com to help improve the communications within our community using digital technology to promote collaboration.
This website includes:
- A survey page to gather community input and perspectives
- A blog to start on-line conversations and collect responses from those willing to participate in the discussion
- A library to provide:
1. Copies of the past and current Waianae sustainable communities plans to help understand the vision and values of our community as expressed by kupuna and community members during that part of our history.
2. Copies of past project plans developed but not completed so we don’t need to reinvent the wheel if a plan is still relevant.
3. Other documents related to community development
- A community resource directory to help anyone looking for information or assistance, designed in a simple easy to navigate format that eliminates the frustration of multiple on-line searches to find needed services.
Responses to our surveys say that the six main community concerns are: (in no particular order or ranking)
- Traffic
- Affordable housing
- Homeless population and issues
- Lack of living wage Jobs in the Community
- Substance Abuse issues
- Next Generation Opportunities,Training and retention
We value your input and invite you to use this website. Read and comment on our blog, take our survey, or use the contact page to share your ideas and let us know how you feel about our community issues.
Please spread the word and let others within your network know that we are a community ACTION group, here to help anyone needing assistance to help sustain our community’s growth and stability.
Copyright 2016 - 2023 The Waianae Moku Navigators All Rights Reserved